Software development and integration for access to large-scale atomic databases and analysis applications

Institutul National pentru Fizica Laserilor, Plasmei si Radiatiei


Institutul National de Fizica Laserilor, Plasmei si Radiatiei este un institut de cercetare de nivel national stabilit prin hotarare a Guvernului Romaniei in anul 1977 cu misiunea de a conduce cercetari fundamentale si aplicative la nivel national si international in domeniile fotonicii, plasmei si acceleratoarelor de lectroni. Institutul a fost reorganizat in 1996 cand Institutul de Stiinte Spatiale (ISS) a devenit filiala a INFLPR.


INFLPR se finanteaza pe baza de proiecte castigate in competitii nationale si internationale, finantate din fonduri publice si/sau fonduri private, in parteneriat cu alte institutii de cercetare sau intreprinderi publice sau private.


INFLPR reuneste 447 cercetatori ale caror preocupari acopera cercetari asupra laserelor de mare putere si a materialelor fotonice, nanomaterialelor si nanotehnologiilor, elaborarea de tehnologii informationale si dot-uri cuantice, tehnologii de acoperire in plasma si microtomografie de raze X, biofotonica si aplicatii medicale ale fotonicii. ISS are preocupari in domeniul astrofizicii, inginerie spatiala si gravitatie.


In acest moment INFLPR este membru in asociatia EURATOM, partener in Extreme Light Infrastructure (ELI), partener in LASERLAB Europe, ALICE, si conduce proiecte finantate de EU, NATO si alte organizatii nationale si internationale.

Essential Systems


Essential Technologies is a group of companies specialized in providing IT Services and Information Management Systems, currently involved in strategic partnerships with some of the most influent technology leaders in IT, like IBM and Microsoft.

Established in 2004, Essential Technologies has made itself known by providing high quality services and solutions and also by its outstanding evolution, as the company has grown every year by more than 50%.


Essentials Technologies offers complete solutions, both operationally and financially efficient; its services concentrate on creating information resources which can be used by means of existing software or dedicated IT solutions, part of an integrated IT system.


The company has been appreciated by its customers not only for providing the services they required according to or even above their expectations, but also for its endeavor to act as a true business partner for them, by working along with their personnel in identifying the requirements and designing the most appropriate solutions. Essentials Technologies Customers can confirm the competences in creating integrated IT Systems and Advanced Information Management Systems.